
Showing posts from March, 2010


For our breed, a dream house is nothing but a house where clothes are not strewn on sofas, treadmill and god knows what all other never imagined places. The house is dusted, gadgets are in place, chimney is clean, gas burner is sparkling! covers are where they are meantto be, for example tv cover on tv and not on sofa! microwave cover on microwave and not on the cabitet!the laundry piles are not skyrocketing. well if all this sounds familiar to you, please stop fretting! I don't have a magic trick waiting to be told, but a thot which needs to be shared! when m back from work, when my baby has had her dinner, when i am through my own dinner, basically when all is done......i take out 10 mins, believe me 10 mins now will save you hours of worry later, which will better your heart and well being....i take a big bag/ bucket and and start from one room and pick up 'not supposed to be here items' and pile in the tub. if it belongs to the room, try to keep it in it's place.......

Plan, Do, Check, Act - Cycle

Well the PDCA cycle that we use in the office can very well be applied to our lives. As the supermoms, superwives that we are supposed to be, we run the risk of a breakdown way too soon! So, since i have to bundle my lil daughter up in the morning to leave her at her caretaker's place, i thot of applying management science to my life!I plan today evening's work at home, during office hours! I keep a little diary in my desk. Whenever i can squeeze in a li'l time , i write down chores to be done in it. It has varied notings like waching machine, baby's bag for morning, ironing, dry fruit powder- to be roasted and churned, cheela for evening snacks, sterlising, dusting etc. etc. etc, This li'l diary has been a friend for long,in times of dire need too! This plan diary/ to do diary keeps me on course, for i am so pressed for time, i forget easily. I do the chores as per the diary, check whether my dress, my baby's dress, baby bag, shoes, car keys, home keys, locks ...