
Showing posts from January, 2013

How does the mommy rise up the corporate ladder

We do not have flexi timings where i work. Its defined work hours. I have been able to contribute to the organization i work for, significantly...(so i think). Yet, i strictly avoid late sitting in office, unless something urgent crops up. Within this time there are a gamut of targets to be achieved. So how does one do that? I make most of the limited hours available and follow some basic rules learnt from some lovely ladies i met during my career and some learnt on the way. 1. Reach work on time 2. Do not participate in office politics, more energy than you think is lost in the process! You lose your work hours big time 3. Let your work speak for you 4. Don’t bitch 5. Keep at it, your superiors will recognize your good work sooner or later 6. Stop procrastination, the task that you have been avoiding for real long is not that complex. All you need to do is open that file and start NOW 7. Save your holidays. Might be useful when your kiddo might need you. Learnt this f...