
Growing up as an army kid, we changed schools, friends, homes, neighborhood every 3 years. It never felt starnge and we sort of looked forward to meet new people, places, new food, new rooms, new everything. As if this newness will take away all negative and make space for better. But as i grow old, my heart looks forward to change yet resists the same in mind. So why this duality? Guess its got to do with the comfort level we reach doing the same things over and over again. It makes us feel secure to be with the same set of people, same routine, same challenges (which will be victories with a lil work ;-)), it helps us expect the expected, while the unexpected scares us. Yet, the heart will always leap to do something new, something more, push a little harder, rough it out, go out of the comfort zone and create the unbelievable. How you reach your balance is totally an individual calling. Nevertheless, it is magical when you reach out for new beginnings and sometimes even create his...