
Showing posts from February, 2016

So many woes- one solution

These days a major part of my day is spent on the streets of Hyderabad. Its really hot and scorching sun here, but luckily no madness of the winters of North. I am happy to have come here. The glamour of Hitec City, the quiet of Hussain Sagar, the pristine Golconda, the hustle bustle of Chaar Minar and the awesome roads and numerous gardens makes for a nice city. Amidst the city's goodness i yearn to be a a child again, i long to visit the cities which acted as platforms to send me here, Lucknow, Allahabad, Kanpur, Jabalpur, Rajkot, Dhrangadhara. Small cities, little pleasures, no traffic snarls and loads of time. I wonder that in spite of reaching where i wanted to, in life, why i don't feel complete and at peace. Why something is always missing. Why i long to go to a quaint town n stay in a rural setting. Sometimes i yearn to be just a housewife and no daily targets and meetings etc. etc. Sometimes i feel fortunate to be working and earning for myself in a stable job. Yet...