Promises to keep: 32nd birthday
Last week I celebrated my birthday. While digging into a lovely black forest cake it clicked somewhere SUDDENLY that life is very beautiful, I was surrounded by people I loved and it could’nt have been better! These last 10 years had seen me graduate from college, struggle really hard to get this job, get posted to a metro i dreaded to be alone in-Mumbai, eventually find love, get married to the one I loved, build a beautiful nest with my soulmate and the best part- welcome a new family member, who makes me skip a heart beat everytime I look at her. The numbers to my age made me wiser, calmer and patient. All these years birthdays had been celebrated with the same energy warmth and love. I made resolutions, slept over them only to come up with similar newly worded ones the next year. Let’s see if this year could be different for I am going to keep them as promises to myself and my family! Does that sound newly worded……naaaaaaaaaaah! 1. I have to eat healthy and reduce junk to once...