Quick Skin care in your 30s

I wondered why women complimented me on my glowing face, always. I have dry skin with occasionally oily t-zone. I would generally not pay a lot of attention to it. So, I thought. But while going threadbare at what regime I followed or did not follow, i realized that my skin care was primarily deep rooted into home remedies, minimal usage of chemical based products, and it was CHEAP and FUSS FREE.

The reason for this kind of regime could be that I was mostly focused on academics in school, had some fun experimenting the below listed tricks in college and once I started working I was always hard pressed for time. So here’s what I’ve been doing right I guess, rest it’s all my genes. These tips barely take 5-10 mins and I don’t follow any periodicity. At times I do it every week, at times after months I apply a face pack. Mom always said that do not fiddle with your face, and probably that has helped .

1. CLEANSER: I Cleanse face with raw milk/ boiled when raw unavailable, applied liberally and removed with moist cotton wool.

2. SCRUB: Powdered oats- occasionally- as a scrub mixed with honey and lemon.

3. FACE WASH: I wash my face with besan, milk powder and almond powder concoction to which I add some turmeric, I don’t own facewashes/ scrub/peels etc : have used these products twice/ thrice in my life resulting in olfactory satisfaction and none of the visual kind at all. I keep this ready in my fridge all the time, in air tight containers. I dash in some rose water or plain tap water when I need to use it. I wash face with this every 3rd or 4th day or whenever I feel the skin is sirty, I gently rub this on entire face and neck in circular motion and wash off.

4. FACE PACK ALL SEASON: Occasional Banana/ papaya rubbed on the face or egg, honey and lemon pack, washed off in 10 mins. Thes have been my staple.

5. FACE PACK WINTERS: Malai, besan, haldi pack in winters. I keep it on for 10 mins max, and while I am busy with the house chores the stuff pampers my hungry skin. I wash it off with water.

6. INSTANT PICK ME UP:: If I am really - really busy and the skin is shouting for some pick me up, I dab some plain Dabur honey on my face and wash off in 10 mins. As good a s a facial.

I have’nt got a lot of facials done, as I really have no idea whether they do good/ bad. I do not apply foundations or compact ever, I let my skin breathe n that’s why it’s happy. In case you do use foundations etc, nevermind! Just, never forget to cleanse the whole thing off before you hit bed. I also drink close to 10 glasses of water a day and eat at least 3 servings of fruits. I laugh a lot and that keeps me beautiful and stress free.What is your beauty regime?


  1. what can i do for under eye fine lines and black circles.they are annoying me!! i tried cucumber and potato...anything else?

  2. Coral,I have started with almond oil applied lightly in under eye area,just before hitting bed, it's actually helping me!

    1. i was trying almond oil too, then thought it won't work and left it, i think i will do it with more dedication now. i just hope it works soon.am so impatient :P thanks for the tips

  3. Wow Riya! Great routine indeed! I would try the method of keeping besan milk powder etc mixture in the fridge..I sometimes omit it out from my daily routine because feel it a time consumer to prepare it fresh all the time :)
    Good going Riya!
    My blog: healthizenblog.blogspot.in

  4. Riya , I am just like you . I love face packs and stuff and try and stay away from chemicals as much . its only recently that i have started using some products but always keep going back to my multani mitti ! :)

    The grounded oats are very hard to get out of the face know ??


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