Fitness Quickie

This post was written in July and most of what is written holds true even today. Back in June, I had some time off and went to visit hubby who is on a sabbatical and studying. I use my holidays to eat, sleep and have fun, try new local cuisines, soak in the local life! I did all the above but also exercised a lot of restraint and used the gym at least 5 days a week, enjoyed the college life again, evening walks in the beautiful campus which is green and massive. The evening visits to the wonderful juice shop were awesome. Fresh air and delicious juice. My daughter particularly loved her Mango shake and adults oscillated between pomegranate, mausambi, watermelon etc.

Quick fitness updates:

1. Weigh about 65 kgs. Yes I have lost close to 10 kgs ladies. Update: Been at this weight for like 2 months now.

2. I have partially quit milk, sugar, and to compensate for my daily calcium needs have started a bowl of curd instead. This curd is not made of skimmed milk. Quitting sugar is partial since i indulge in a cup of tea a day. Nothing sweet apart from this and the fructose in fruits.

3. Could not do eggs either so yay my veggi diet has started full time.

4. While on the vacation here’s what I did most

- Gym 40 mins to 1 hour – 5 times a week

- Started weight training …just learning

- Started running on the treadmill, slowly my stamina is building! I did atleast 20-25 minutes @5-10 kmph and along with intermittent running.

- Walked around the campus as much as I could, visiting temple, grocery, juice etc.

- Had great south Indian breakfast most days…..! sluuuuuuuurp! Can live on idli and the authentic nariyal chatni breakfast all my life!

­ -Had a bowl of paneer (cottage cheese) everyday in lunch alongwith salad, dal, roti. Avoided rice, sweets, frieds and too much carbs. Focus food were dal, chole, rajma, dahi, salads, idli, sambhar, chutney, fruits, sprouts.

- Had fresh, unsweetened, unsalted fruit juice every evening and occasionally during breakfast, very refreshing. Now this was the only evening snack and dinner was over by 8.30 pm, it was holiday time so dinner time got extended.

- Mostly avoided junk and did not have a random tea or bread or puri or bathura or potato veggies

Idea is to create a fitness routine wherever you are and whatever you do. You may start pacing available space at home for ten minutes to half an hour, in case you don’t get to gym or walk. You need to make conscious healthy decisions until they become a habit.

So that was my fitness update, not that quick,han? Let me not sit on my past laurels and get working for new targets as I am back home, back to work and need to focus big time on fitness

- Start Sprouted moong breakfast

- No random tea. Need to go back to lemon water without sugar

- Start back a daily multivitamin. Any suggestions ppl?

- Start skipping as I am unable to gym these days

- Start suryanamskaar again

- Zero in on a good reasonably priced electronic treadmill for home, the manual one does’nt motivate me enough!

- Be happy and busy

Disclaimer: I am no doctor or nutritionist. The above info is based on personal experience.


  1. Hey Riya! good to read ur post after long.. Love the way you write :)
    I am taking Amway multivitamin Supplement and also at times Absolut.. Like them ..
    was trying to connect with you thru fb..couldnt find u..

    1. Hi,thanks Nidhi. m not on fb!how is your daughter? ok so it is between Amway and Dabur Nutrigo now!

  2. Oh okay..well I have a son whoz now 26 months old and started for playschool just today..Cant tel you how happy I am!

    1. Hi Nidhi, sorry, been away from the blog, so took time to respond to your comment. Hope your son is settled in his preschool. CONGRATULATIONS on this milestone!

  3. Give me an update on how your workout routine is going on now, I am pretty much similar to you in health category but really cant figure out what to make. hope you are continuing with your plans. can't wait to see your new post. tc

    1. Hi Coral, been slacking on exercise. Have no excuses, but your comment has pulled me to get back with exercise. Though m eating carefully, weight up by 1.2 kgs coz of 0 exercise. Logged into the blog after ages. New post coming soon. Fitness one will be up before weekend.

  4. various points have been noted and will be followed


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