Picking up the threads

I am writting after a long hiatus. It feels difficult to snatch out even a lil time now that my work profile has changed again. No complaints on that front coz this is what i always wanted to do. But, it is showing me a whole new face of everybody around me at work, i am unable to fathom the competitiveness that makes people lie, unable to understand what is more important than hard work and sincerity. Huh, while i pick up the threads around me, i celebrated yet another Birthday with good wishes of my family and good friends. The fitness n healthy living thing took a lil back seat but not for long. All i understand today is: 1. No matter how well you do in life, where ever you have reached, if you don't get time to sit down n have your breakfast, its really not worth it. 2. I will not hurry from this to the next thing, to the next thing, to the next thing, as i had been doing for years to keep things around me moving. I need to live those moments, i need to breathe, feel, exper...