Picking up the threads

I am writting after a long hiatus. It feels difficult to snatch out even a lil time now that my work profile has changed again. No complaints on that front coz this is what i always wanted to do. But, it is showing me a whole new face of everybody around me at work, i am unable to fathom the competitiveness that makes people lie, unable to understand what is more important than hard work and sincerity. Huh, while i pick up the threads around me, i celebrated yet another Birthday with good wishes of my family and good friends. The fitness n healthy living thing took a lil back seat but not for long. All i understand today is:

1. No matter how well you do in life, where ever you have reached, if you don't get time to sit down n have your breakfast, its really not worth it.

2. I will not hurry from this to the next thing, to the next thing, to the next thing, as i had been doing for years to keep things around me moving. I need to live those moments, i need to breathe, feel, experience the moment i am in, else it is meaningless!

3. My yoga infuses new life in me, each day. So, without doing that, i dont leave the house. On days when i have ignored doing it, i have experienced an irritation, restlessness and paranoia as if something is incomplete. So if you have'nt started doing yoga yet please start some regimen today.

4. Sometimes nothing makes sense around you, but you just have to hang in there and go with the flow until its all as per your liking and comfort..

Sharing some pics from our Hampi trip. We drove down and reached Hampi in 9 hours from Hyderabad.. Its a nice town built on stone architecture and awesome temple vibe, but the roads to Hampi in Karnataka are terrible and you dont have many options to stay as well. We stayed at the only decent Hotel available around 20 kms from Hampi called the Hyatt Place. The service sucks and the swimming pool was poorly maintained. Ughh. This is inside the steel plant and was erstwhile JSW Hotel. We soaked in the monoliths and the magnificent architecture and planning of the town n returned in 2 days.

View from the room

Hyatt place courtyard with an old world charm n Hampi stone

Ganesh Temple, Hampi

Long shot

My cell does not have many pics, so unable to share more. I generally enjoy the place more than clicking pics... and most of those captured are in the digi cam. Anyways, i think those really interested in old temple towns n deep into architecture should visit the place, overall we had a nice break away from city buzz! More so, the thrill of driving with family on undiscovered roads with munchies n drinks is ethereal!!

So long people, take care, n be positive!


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