Hey have been away too long, but then was down with some health issues, and trying to be super! My usual routine was to get up at 5.30 am, do house chores like doing up the house, cooking a breakfast, sometimes lunch also, for hubby and getting the kid and myself ready to go to our respective destinations. When back from work I load the washing machine, cook dinner, tea, small chats with family, arrange clothes in closets, clean up the kitchen after cooking, catch some tv, etc etc. I would usually wind up by 11.00pm.

Post one serious health issue which was caused by overworking during a 3 day holiday after a bad work week and few days of bed rest later, I realized that this super duper concept actually is a lost deal. Ya a great mom, a great wife, a great daughter is cool but SUPAAAAA is extreme. It leaves you tired, cranky, irritable and missing out on life. Folks out there who are trying to break their necks out, stretching themselves to no limit to come out as the best person around, best cook around , most beautiful, most happening, most ………….aaah, the list goes on but in the run for that adjective you actually stop living. Post recovery these are the lessons I have learnt.
It’s ok
1. If I don’t start putting the house in order every day every minute, every morning and every evening when I get back
2. To look around for help and take help, whenever necessary
3. To hire a cook, you can ensure hygiene by giving her a dettol hand dispensing soap, a clean towel, a nice apron. You can keep a hawk’s eye on the stuff she’s cooking if it involves cooking food for your kid also.
4. To come home, kick your shoes and head to the shower or bed, sometimes these 15-20 minutes are all it needs to recharge yourself.
5. To listen to your favorite music on a weekend and dance with your child than cleaning up the grease on the gas stove.
6. To let go sometimes.
7. To come home to a house full of mess and wriggle onto the lil space on a crowded couch to chillaxe.

Since I work 5 days a week, in front of a computer 8 hours, it leaves me exhausted and mentally drained. On Sunday afternoons when all usually would retire to bed, i would generally be up putting my place in order, preparing it for that one unexpected guest. . In my free time I was always trying to make our home look like it just descended from a magazine house. This left me drained by the time family would be up to savor the evening with me. But last Sunday was different, I lazed around, slept, read, danced and at the end of the day at around 9, we (self and hubby) sort of tweaked the housed from its major disorders. Peace, peace! My hubby will smile at this, for this is finally coming from me, after 5 years of our relationship. So ladies SLOWWWW down, leave everything right now and grab a fashion magazine, even when you know u can’t afford those Cavalli gowns and Ferragamo shoes out there, get a cup of tea and some yummy snack and snooze, on your way to dreams. Let me be honest, I am a bit disheartened when I don’t see the kind of order that I am used to but I am happier, healthier and more at peace. Super!!


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