What every woman should do

This is not just a post its promise every single woman needs to make to herself.
My daughter was sick, past fortnight and being alone made things worse. What I learnt during this period that:
1. Women take their own health for granted, its imp that you stay physically active,, eat well, don’t skip breakfast, take your multivitamins, have a health drink, I have started with Women’s Horlicks.
2. Its also imp that we stay mentally very tough and patient, it is virtually ‘US’ around whom the whole family revolves, so we better start taking care of ourselves now. It’s imp that to get that fitness and to vent your negativity and helplessness, which may creep in at times, you grab those early morning hours to take a brisk 15 min walk… this will help you sail thru the day with renewed confidence and vigor. Sometimes all you need is a change of scene, physical environment to GET A BETTER PERSPECTIVE AND HANG OF THINGS AROUND YOU.
3. Patience is also a key skill we need to build on and develop, its highly recommended and takes time to build. Hope and faith is a key ingredient which goes a long way in making a perfect recipe for a composed and happy you.
While my daughter is on her way to recovery the above has really helped me to take better care of her helping her in a faster recovery and myself stay healthy and in control.


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