Weight Loss Pitfalls

You all know that I Lost 10 kgs precisely in 7-8 months November 2011 to July 2012. This proves slow and steady wins the race. The other part which most don’t know and needs to be shared is coming up.

What I did wrong from July 2012 to November 2012

1. Did not have my daily multivitamin which I had promised myself
2. No health drink like Woman’s Horlicks, Bournvita or Nurture etc. No milk in the first place. No curd to substitute/ Paneer - maybe once or twice in a month.
3. Most days I was going without that early morning fruit, which I had been taking initially for 3-4 months
4. My dinner on busy days was just some chapatti or stuffed paratha
5. Little or no exercise/ suryanamaskaar
6. There was a lot of personal stress

All in all my meals though were the right calorie, but lacked the nutrition a very active woman like me needs. As a result I was exhausted most days to the extent of reaching extreme anaemia, at the end of the 7 months. Post July all the protein I had was coming from a bowl of dal at lunch. I had left milk and eggs also by then. My food was roti, dal, miniscule veggies in lunch, occasional bread. This poor diet cost me my good health. I wasn’t blogging also, which had kept me on track, gradually I stopped counting calories, even got back on processed non sense like biscuits, maggi, pasta etc. I piled on almost 2 kgs, as per my weighing scale recently. So, I looked good on the outside, but after all that weight loss and subsequent bad diet abuse I was left feeling on my lowest ebb.

The only good thing I did was that during the period I was reading a lot on wholesome good health, ironic eh! Not losing weight, mind you. As a result of my reads and a bout of poor diet, I have done some lifestyle changes, I am back on exercising and my meals are more rounded up. Read on to know what I am doing right now, and feeling marvelous:

1. First thing in morning: Chew garlic pods 2 a day, sloshed down with a glass of water
2. M regularly eating 1 bowl of pomegranate for the multitude of health benefits this fruit offers.
3. Morning- Chyawanprach 1 tsp followed by milk full cream 1 glass- repeat at night.
4. Breakfast is oats/ daliya in hot milk, added raisins
5. Deep colored fruits and vegetables. M on pomegranate, papaya, apple, guava, beetr
oot, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage, beetroot, bathua, soya methi, raw papaya, raw banana , spinach, pumpkin, beans, lauki, carrots, beans. Rule is to go seasonal and rich coloured!
6. Handful of pista, walnut, cashews, almonds, khubani, sometimes dates also- every day for snacking purpose
7. Cooking food in kacchi ghaani sarson ka tel, occasional desi ghee for dal tadka.
8. 2 cups green tea a day
9. Sweets - none
10. No white post 8 o clock policy (eg milk, chapatti, rice, potato, pasta etc)
11. No junk- even namkeen, biscuits etc.
12. Sleeping latest by 10- 11pm. No more late nights

I am feeling more energized and keep satiated. Doing suryanamskaar, skipping and running around playground with the kiddo.

Ladies, please keep up with your fitness plans and goals but also see to it that
a) you dont starve yourself at any point
b) you have a variety on your platter
c) do what you plan in terms of supplements, health drinks
d) keep a well stocked pantry
e) keep exercising - no matter what
f) try to add more fiber in diet

I am trying to go raw, wholesome and seasonal. Processed crap really needs to go out of our lives. It’s making us sick from within without us realizing it. We are paying ourselves to get sick. Wake up people, eat healthy, exercise hard and keep fit! Do it for your kids, your longer presence in their lives will benefit them in some way for sure. Keep re- revisiting your fitness goals to be on track. Do share your fitness trials and triumphs, would love to know what works or what absolutely does not!


  1. Does the Garlic Pods really help? I would like to try it but I am scared how it might taste!

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  2. Read that garlic offers a lot of health benefits, from being anti bacterial to playing a role in lowering the LDL cholestrol levels. Once yu start doing it becomes a habit, tastes bad....but, anything for good health!


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