Post work destress at home

When i rush home after a long day, my mind is whirling on dinner menu, spending time with li'l one, maid issues, health of ageing parents, clothes for next day, homework, ppts...phew..! I am sure most women face these moments..But ladies, when u are in the long haul u cant let yourself wither away like that. Create magic at home, destress amidst all the chaos around u. You will find peace and calm i am sure. You will be rejuvenated and ready for the next day. Here's how I try to find my peace n sanity after a long long day

10 mins on your own in a secluded space like balcony or terrace, or even a quiet corner at home with deep breathing

Bonding with family, just connecting and catching up on day...before plunging into any work

Avoid tv

Light aroma candles, i light camphor n dhoop..sometimes camphor and some candles on top

Light diyas across home

Foot massage before bed

Listen Soft music or chants

Sometimes watering plants helps unwind after a busy day

I do suryanamaskaar if i am having restlessness/ body ache

I sometimes walk in my campus for 10 mins before winding up the day

Take time to smell those flowers or just be in the moment

Sometimes i wind up with a short story from an inspirational book

How do u all unwind after a long day?


  1. those are such great tips. no tv is the best thing but i get so restless sometimes. i barely watch it but i keep it on in the background. how is chicken soup for the indian soul?

  2. Hi coral..Chicken soup is awesome...makes u believe in hope n faith..first edition was better..

    1. Even I get very restless at times n then tv is a great mind at times tv helps, yes..better still take a brisk walk

    2. I will get all their editions. Always love to read about human experiences that restore faith. You are right, tv does help a great deal to divert the mind. I am planning to join the gym but having terrible starting problem. it's two months up now since I started slacking. Put on so much weight that I feel embarasssed to go brrrrr

    3. Coral u remind ne how I too had slackened n one day I just could not take it anymoee...I wanted to fit into a palazzo n it would not its been a ritual of daily walks n winding last meql latest by 7pm..results are showing..

    4. thanks, Riya. will start gym from Monday. I've really put on too much and it's affecting my health now. great tips :)

  3. Oh wow u manage soooo u for stopping by my blog and leaving ur comment :) it brought me back to ur blog and I love ur latest follower..As for ur comment
    I can totally relate..and slowly now I am understanding that when they say "raising kids is not easy" it does not mean that the kids are torturing us, it actually refers to the mental anguish we put ourselves through...worrying about them and loving them :)
    How is your daughter doing now? I hope she has settled :)

    1. Thx abhilasha..daughters settled in her new school and bonding with her friends..parenting is an uphill task yu see

  4. Love this post! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blogs. And please forgive me for being a bit absent. I watch a movie after a long day..a good movie on my laptop..

    Jenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!

    1. Wow...I did just that when I was single n working in mumbai...its a good way to unwind...

  5. A 15 minute nap, a brisk walk to the temple near my house, spending time with dogs in my street, switching off my mobile hone for few hours and sitting alone in silence.

    Thats what I do :)


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