Fitness Quickie
This post was written in July and most of what is written holds true even today. Back in June, I had some time off and went to visit hubby who is on a sabbatical and studying. I use my holidays to eat, sleep and have fun, try new local cuisines, soak in the local life! I did all the above but also exercised a lot of restraint and used the gym at least 5 days a week, enjoyed the college life again, evening walks in the beautiful campus which is green and massive. The evening visits to the wonderful juice shop were awesome. Fresh air and delicious juice. My daughter particularly loved her Mango shake and adults oscillated between pomegranate, mausambi, watermelon etc. Quick fitness updates: 1. Weigh about 65 kgs. Yes I have lost close to 10 kgs ladies. Update: Been at this weight for like 2 months now. 2. I have partially quit milk, sugar, and to compensate for my daily calcium needs have started a bowl of curd instead. This curd is not made of skimmed milk. Quitting sugar is par...
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