Just like that

That, no matter what time you wake up, what time u slept is more important

Fresh malai applied liberally while making morning tea and washed off in 10 to 15 mins is a wonder cosmetic to my super dry skin

Hugs and chit chat with the lil one is the best pick me up

Instagram boot time is so traumatic...lol

Pranayam is key to feeling calm

Staying quiet saves loads of trouble at work and at home

Loofah eliminates moisturizer

A selfie a day keeps the blues away

This one was clicked on a working Saturday, I work Saturdays and do casual dressing...n feel that I am not working...:-(

Stay good people...


  1. I feel staying quiet helps a lot too, atleast we don't get out of our way and into more trouble that requires far too much of our resources and energy. nice post

    1. so true coral. if I start speaking my anger starts spiraling up n I totally lose it...lol! thx...hw have u been

  2. a selfie a day! that shud work wonders :)


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