Take it easy and why i am so happy

Well, happiness is very relative. Some feel happy on something as small as a cadbury silk n some dont feel that elation even when a promotion knocks their door. I find happiness sometimes even when my little gal chuckles or sometimes eating pani poori. Even buying house, property cars does not make me over the moon. Its in the small things as they say. Connecting with an old friend or family always brings cheers to heart and a feeling that family will always love u hamesha and they never fail to bring smile on ur face no matter whats happening around u. So a family member connected after a long time n it gave me immense satisfaction. Now to update i started doing yoga and sudarshan kriya about a month back and one cant imagine what difference it is bringing to my life. I am no more the dauda dauda bhaga bhaga sa mom. I take pleasure in doing things slowly, i plan well, i am waking early, m so energetic through the day, though initially i felt all drained for a week 10 days, but now life is starting for me. To update i had, while chasing my career piled on 10kg of weight in last 3 years n things were not good, health wise also. But life picked up after i started Aol sudarshan kriya n i cant thank the kind lady in our community enough who literally pushed me into this course. So i lost around 3 kgs weight in 43 days of kriya. Although this is also a by product of being regular in meals, sleeping in time n being content which sudarshan kriya is teaching me. I cant really explain but i speak so softly now, i dont give up fast. I dont get worked up n i dont care about anything much. I have such good focus. I know that i need to take care of myself n those around and for that i need to be fit. I took up this program to learn sudarshan kriya but was not expecting anything miraculous, but you have to do it to feel it n witness urself. Ok so that got me thinking today as to how much i had been neglecting myself in the past few years. So new agenda for the new me is

Sudarshankriya daily
Meditation once in two days atleast, i learnt sahaj so gotta dtarr doong it
Gloss n gloss some more, had forgotten lipsticks
Self evaluation n inward looking life
Not dependent on anyone
Long long hair well maintained
Regular head n body massage
Hair pack n mild shampoo
Rica wax schedule every month
Dinner before 7.30pm nothing after that
Improve vocabulary learn 5 words daily before sleep
Facial cream before bed after wake up n wash face
Moisturise feet once in two days
No anger on anyone
Breathe n let go
Enjoy the journey
Live in the moment
Do more and more programs of art of living
Stay inthe ashram n do the next course

So dear readers i began the journey of self discovery after few years of workaholicism and bad work life balance. Something started feeling right just after my first session of kriya. Cant dream of not doing it even a single day since i started. Every person finds his or her calling sometime or later. I found mine and now i am in a happy space. Jai guru dev.


  1. What is Rica waz, is it better than the usual? as in less painless?
    I had taken few courses of aol several years ago, I had trouble after doing sudarshankriya and figured it was not for everyone as I started developing severe pain but I was the only one other than an elderly lady who faced the same. I love their philosophy and also love how caring each and every member is. I went through similar stages as you mentioned but finally found my real Guru. The search is always on to find the inner self. Meditation and exercises and being patient with yourself is key in finding your way. Love your post. Happy you found your balance. The ashram is a beautiful place, definitely a must visit when you are studying the course.

  2. Hi Coral. Ya rica wax slows growth n i find it amazing. Also the result is much clean n clear. Also I found it a tad less painful also.
    The quest for balance is all but the kriya fills me up with so much of positivity. It just gives me the strength to do more n be kind n helpful. I can see ghe fabric of my life change, full of gratitude n love.
    All paths i think lead to self realization, so whatever suits the individual we should do that. Eventually we all have to find our calling.
    Have a super day

  3. Riya...............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you??? When will you start uploading regularly again? How is life?

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