My search for Parenting books n podcasts

I have been reading books on parenting which started with Dr SPOCks to now the fattest parenting books in the bookstores to principals of ace schools in India writing on how to bring up children. All I understood is more or less message is universal n here it goes

1. Each child is unique and u should not compare children
2. Love them a lot yet discipline them also.
3. Encourage them n appreciate their uniqueness
4. Be there for them
5. Tell them i love you, several times a day
6. Listen to them, be quiet for some time n wait for them to communicate n tell u whats on their mind
7. Do new things now n then together like a new pottery class or rock climbing
8. Teach values n teach them to respect elders n value of sharing
9. Be an example for them, they learn by watching you. Be your best for them
10. Support them always
11. Give them age appropriate chores

Tell me whats your mantra for raising kids?


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