Sudarshan Kriya and me

Iam back to the blog. I slowed down things at work end and took an extended leave. While I am studying and being with my family, I get time to reflect. And then i analyse a lot like a true Virgo. Mostly myself, my selfless loving family, life and my priorities. I have begun to like not being rushed, having time to read new books, to just breathe, to see the big picture and voila i have time to meditate and practice Sudarshan Kriya.

In these times when the world around is so chaotic the kriya fills me with hope and positivity. It energises me to take each day head on. They say when life gives u lemons,,,, make lemonade what else. So while I heal from years of tireless hardwork and self neglect kriya helps me to connect dots better. I realised Whatever happens it happens for a reason. Whatever hardships you go through god always has a plan for you. It is ok to slowdown and catch your breath, its ok to live each day as it comes, it is ok to not have a plan. I was this control freak who had her whole life figured out. Now, I am in the present and I dont have plans, even for the next day. I love to see my loved ones, value and nurture them. You dont need too much to be happy, how true.

So onto the Kriya, you can google your nearest art of living centre and join the happiness programme. They have a 3 day programme in which this Kriya is taught. I went for follow ups also as I was hooked. As follow up is in Gurudev's voice so its very special. You have to do it to believe it. Some people with specific medical conditions may want to check with their doctors, before taking to the kriya, but, as far as I am concerned, I have benefitted a lot.

Today there are several spiritual paths available to common people like us and many ways to uplift mind, body and soul. But for me most importantly Sudarshan kriya has given a lot of health benefits. It has uplifted me on days I was blue, it has given me energy, stamina. I dont have any random aches and pains I had earlier. My health is good. The kriya is a great mood uplifter, I feel so much happier on days I have done my kriya than when I missed. I Know I am a better person with my kriya, why dont you give it a try.


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