
It has been going on for a while now. Is this the world we want to give to our children? Why were we not prepared forthis? Why human being the most intelligent species on earth with such technological advanvements could not beat this. Why we let it spread? Why we chose to be so ignorant, greedy and unprepared as a race? We just dont have enough

As I write this I am following a 3 day silence programme which i had planned to do a week back, but owing to a bunch of munchkins living with me who made puppy faces to dissuade me, I decided otherwise. But as soon as I saw a call for this silence programme by Art of living, I was hooked. I already feel some sort of order, some sort of therapeutic cleansing happening inside me. I feel so patient as well, maybe tolerant also. Lets see how far I am able to do this.

Lockdown has indeed been eerily discomforting, when I see abandoned streets, empty parks, disolate restaurants, bars, grumpy people on the road, mostly out to grab groceries or walking their pets. Yet I have found this time very healing, as the whole family is together for meals, chats and old games like Life, scrabble, carrom and cards have sneaked their way back into our life. We try to do some suryanamaskars and some pranayam also. Several dishes long forgotten by me like dal ki kachauri, momos, tehri, lemon pickle, frankie, pan cake, halwa etc are being made again. Families like ours, where we were all running in several directions have now forcibly been given a sit together oppurtunity and that I think in itself is the most important positive outcome of the situation.

I saw the school bus plying empty today and it brought tears to my eyes, we take small mundane every day blessings for granted. Going out for a cup of coffee and chatting together with friends, oh how I miss it all. Running errand for the house, which seemed like a chore to me, I just yearn to do those again, smell the indoors of those outside places. Hoping for a better tomorrow and praying for the health and healing of our world.


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