Pain- dont let it define you

When I look back on all of these 40 years, I see that I have always channelized my pain to perform my best or ace work or life or clamber mountain tops. This pain was sometimes professional and sometimes personal. Papa always said, 'let problems not define you, defy the problem' ! So, off I went scooting to drown in work, sometimes I found my answers and came out winning. Sometimes, I did not get answers or solutions, yet I always found valuable lessons, too precious to be forgotten. Sometimes I rested and sometimes I moved without a care.

On my never ending quest in the corporate I kept on, oblivious of the pains and troubles that I kept surmounting, sometimes ignoring, which I felt became a part and parcel of me. I kept smiling when I lost a friend or a close one either to lack of time to connect or petty politics. I would rather have my attention to patting my back for some little victory somewhere at work or home than sulk or lament!

Its been such a beautiful traversing journey so far. So for now I rest, as I must, but I shall never quit! The detours are as much a part of the journey as the main path! I learnt to avoid chaos, negative people, situations and depend on my own self.


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