
I read a bit more than other years these past 2 years, whatever i could lay my hands on, be it books, information on net, gurus, instagram posts, pinterest etc etc. I realised that there are two ways to deal with questions/ dilemmas/ quandaries/ situations/ issues. You can approach them with a gratitude for all that you have and then seek answers or you could also do the same cursing everything around you and looking for negative situations and patterns. You dont achieve much sulking and complaining. Gratitude for what you have brings peace of mind, gives direction, frees up mental space for solutions and insights. I was not much of a wholesome gratitude person 3 years back. But gradually i have been shifting my mental focus, adjustimg my lens to see positive relentlessly. For instance, i was groggy today morning just before my exam but i redirected my energies gradually by thanking for blessings around me. Gradually i felt so much better and I could see through everything more clearly. When gratitude is a constant in my life i do much better and i am more happy and content. Start doing it yourself and see how it changes everything. Start with a journal and write your gratitude whenever you can. It could be once a week or as many days or as many times a day you like, until its a daily habit. Start small but stick to it. I sometimes mail gratitude list to self. On bad days you could be thankful for food, fresh water, family, and shelter. Internet counts too. :) Make an effort. XoXo

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